Due to the July 31 cut off date, there will be certain players whose birthdates technically place them in an age group below that of their classmates or peers. These players may request a “grade appropriate” play up. Every effort is made to allow players to remain with their school class peers assuming the overall numbers allow and assuming the player is capable of playing at the higher age group. Any player who falls into this ‘grade appropriate’ category, and desires to play up to an age group higher than where their birth date places them so they are with their classmates, must request this on the CSC registration form. All play up requests are reviewed individually and must be approved by the CSC Board of Directors.
All play-up requests are also subject to the following criteria:
- Coaches and/or age group coordinators from both age groups must approve the play up request.
Players must attend tryouts for both age groups. - A player will NOT be approved for a play up if they “displace” a player at the higher age group, ie cause someone to be cut due to roster limitations.
- It should also be noted that once a ‘grade appropriate’ play up request has been approved, that player would be allowed to play up automatically for all subsequent years (irrespective of the “displacement policy”. Once one is “Up” you stay “Up” for the duration of your CSC participation.
- The only other “play-ups” considered will be those that are club initiated. There are some situations where the club will ask a player or players to play up if it makes the overall numbers for the teams more favorable. This is done to avoid “cuts” and attempt to facilitate teams including the highest number of players. All club initiated play ups will be valid for that year only and reviewed each year.